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Compassion Fatigue Workshops

Full-day and half-day workshops are available

Those of us who work in caring fields have likely witnessed, heard about, or experienced traumatic situations. Chronic exposure to this stress can take a heavy toll on our personal lives, our relationships, and our job performance. It can affect us mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, leading to what’s called compassion fatigue.


What if there was a way to combat compassion fatigue and build resilience? There is! We can each work toward building compassion satisfaction. Through this unique training, your employees and/or volunteers will gain valuable tools to help them manage compassion fatigue, which in turn can lead to improved work performance, fewer absences, decreased turnover, and ultimately, better care of our clients and the community.

Building Your Balance: Understanding Compassion Fatigue and Stress Management in Animal Care Environments

Compassion stress is a normal and natural response to working in a caring field -- and the field of animal care and protection is no exception. Awareness of suffering, our desire to take action to alleviate it, and the weariness that results from the volume of work and depth of caring, all lead to exhaustion and burn out if not carefully managed. This workshop will allow you to explore the signs and symptoms of compassion stress, fatigue, and burnout, and provide a variety of tools and strategies you can use to sustain involvement in a rewarding and equally challenging field. Participants will leave a manual full of strategies and tools to make the journey easier and sustainable.


This in-person and interactive self-care workshop is geared toward all animal care professionals and volunteers, including shelter staff, animal control officers, veterinarians, vet techs, euthanasia techs, rescue workers, foster parents, wildlife rehabilitators, management, support staff, and all others involved in animal welfare.


At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand and define compassion satisfaction, secondary trauma. compassion stress, and compassion fatigue

  • Recognize the symptoms and factors that can influence or trigger compassion stress and compassion fatigue

  • Comprehend the compassion fatigue trajectory as well as understand how to know where one is on the scale

  • Articulate and put into practice what can be done to manage job-related stress

  • Assess and identify symptoms of compassion fatigue in yourself through self-assessment activities

  • Build a self-care plan to reduce stress and increase compassion satisfaction (each attendee receives a participant manual with self-assessments and resources)

At the Vet

Workshop costs are variable and depend on the number of attendees and location. Contact us for a quote.



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